Cryptocurrency scam recovery expert

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of new developments in cryptocurrency, especially when you read about an ICO that promises to change the world.

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Here at ChargebackPros, we’ve worked with countless victims of crypto scams and helped them get their money back. Here are our top tips for recovering your stolen cryptocurrency:

1) Contact us as soon as possible so we can start working on your case.

2) Provide us with all the necessary details about the theft and your crypto wallet address(es).

3) Sit back, relax, and watch us work our magic!

Cryptocurrency scam recovery expert

Cryptocurrency scam recovery expert for hire

The digital currency industry has made a name for itself as an exciting new way to make money, with many people reporting huge gains on their investments. But the industry also presents an opportunity for scammers to prey on their victims.
Scammers will make up stories about how they can double your crypto, claiming that they can “unlock” it or “release” it from a holding pattern. 
They’ll also send out fake emails asking you to verify your information. These are all scams! The real people who have access to your crypto don’t need to ask for verification, they already have enough information to do what they need to do.
Cryptocurrency is exciting, intriguing… and risky. After all, the whole premise behind Bitcoin is that it’s decentralized, there’s no central authority to regulate it or keep it in check. So if you get scammed, there’s not much you can do, right?
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If you’ve been targeted by a cryptocurrency scam and your funds have been stolen, it can be a hard process to get them back. But we’re here to help. We’re Chargebackpros, and we’re the world’s leading cryptocurrency recovery experts.

We have a team of private investigators on call 24/7 who are ready to get you back what’s rightfully yours. We’ve helped thousands of people recover their stolen funds from cryptocurrency scammers and hackers, and we’re ready to do the same for you.

If you’ve been hacked or scammed into sending money to someone else: don’t worry. You don’t have to deal with this alone. Let us help you get your money back and get your life back on track again.

recover stolen cryptocurrency

You’ve probably heard of ChargebackPros before, but did you know they also offer cryptocurrency scam recovery services?

ChargebackPros is a private investigations firm that specializes in recovering stolen and hacked cryptocurrency. 

Our team of investigators are experts at finding and tracking down the culprits behind cryptocurrency scams, and they can help you recover your funds if your cryptocurrency has been stolen or hacked.

If you’ve lost your crypto to a scammer, don’t give up! Contact ChargebackPros for more information about how they can help you get back what’s yours.

Going About Tracking Your Cryptocurrency

Some of the most exciting things about cryptocurrencies are also the things that make them more susceptible to scams and criminal activity. As you probably know, cryptocurrency is decentralized. It is not regulated by any government or central bank. That means no one has control over it which can be really exciting for people who like the idea of freedom from government oversight.

The best way to track down your money is by using the blockchain. The blockchain is a public ledger that records all transactions on a particular cryptocurrency network. By checking the blockchain for any suspicious activity, you might be able to figure out who stole your funds and where it’s sent to.

You can find out how much money was sent in each transaction, who sent it to whom, and how long ago it happened. You can also see how much money was received in each transaction, who received it from whom, and how long ago it happened.

All this information is stored on every computer connected to the network (called “nodes”), which makes it impossible for anyone to tamper with any of these records without being detected by all nodes on the network, which would mean shutting down every computer connected to it.

We’ve seen people track down criminals using simple methods and make sure that they don’t get away with it. Check out our latest blog post if you’d like to find out how it’s done today!

How Cryptocurrency Scam Works

Cryptocurrency scams are on the rise. The industry has seen a 154% increase in scam reports in the last year alone, according to researchers at Chargeback Pros. 

There’s no sign that the trend will slow down, so if you’re looking to enter the world of cryptocurrency it’s important to know how avoid these attacks.

Cryptocurrency scams range from social media schemes where you’re asked to send cryptocurrency to someone in exchange for more, which is never delivered, to more sophisticated attacks on wallet software or exchanges. 

It’s important that you and your loved ones stay informed about the different kinds of scams that can pop up. Here are some of the most common ones:


Scammers try to get you to send them small amounts of cryptocurrency by promising to return a much larger amount. Don’t fall for this!

Sharing your private key

The work you do with your cryptocurrency is done through a private key, which is essentially a password that gives you access to your account. A scammer can gain access to your private key from an unsuspecting post or email—so never share it with anyone!

Fake wallets

A fake wallet is a program or website that looks like an authentic one but is actually designed to steal your information. If you’re choosing a new wallet, make sure it’s from a reputable developer and has been reviewed by other users.

Spear-phishing emails

These emails look legitimate and direct you toward fraudulent sites in order to steal your information or get you to download malicious software. If you get an email from someone claiming to be with your bank or another company, call them directly rather than clicking any links in the email.

Fake ICOs

ICO stands for ‘initial coin offering.’ It’s a way to raise funds for a new blockchain-based business. But scammers have been creating fake ICOs to trick people into giving them money. Be wary of any ICO that doesn’t have a functioning product yet, is promising huge returns, and isn’t backed by well-known people or companies in the blockchain industry.

Cloud mining scams

Cloud mining is when you buy access to computing power used to mine cryptocurrencies. There are websites that claim they can mine cryptocurrency for you—but they don’t actually have the mining equipment necessary to do it. They may give you access to some cryptocurrency, but not enough to make it worth your while, and then they’ll shut down their website and leave with the rest of your money.
If you want to try cloud mining for yourself, be sure to research the cloud mining company first and make sure it has a physical presence before investing your hard-earned cash.

Fake Exchange

Crypto exchanges are online platforms where users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies using fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. Fake exchanges look just like real ones, but they’re trying to steal money from unsuspecting users.
These fake exchanges take deposits or transfer information without allowing withdrawals or trades. You can avoid this scam by checking reviews and joining online forums before choosing an exchange.

Fake customer support

Scams on social media and email often present themselves as being from customer service

How To Not Fall For Cryptocurrency Scam

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of new developments in cryptocurrency, especially when you read about an ICO that promises to change the world.
It’s just as important to be mindful of what might be a scam or a red flag. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Scammed Or Stolen NFT?

It happens to the best of us. You accidentally send coins to the wrong wallet address, or you lose your seed keys. Whatever happened, we'll help you recover it.

Report Scam

Here are some more tips 

Let the Journey To Recover
Your Money Begin

Chargeback Pros is here to help you fight back against cryptocurrency scams.

The cryptocurrency scam industry is booming, and unfortunately, it’s making it hard for the rest of us to do our jobs.
Some people think that cryptocurrency scammers only call older people, but we’re here to tell you that’s not true. Cryptocurrency scammers harass people of all ages and backgrounds. If you receive a call from a cryptocurrency scammer, hang up right away.
If you have already been scammed, don’t worry—you can take action! First, report your scam to the state of [your state]. Second, contact your local police department as soon as possible to let them know what happened. Third: get help from the Federal Trade Commission by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP or visiting their website.
We know this can be scary and confusing. We want you to know that we’re here to help you through this difficult time in any way we can.

I am a victim of hackers who stole more than $100,000 from my Metamask account. I have tried many ways to recover my nft and I was in a real mess. Then I found chargeback pros, who helped me to recover my lost nft tokens. Thanks to chargeback pros for their help.

Jameson Green
NFT Scam Victim


  1. I am really frustrated with this crypto investment. I made the deposit in July 2022 and now in September 2022, I am yet to receive my money from them. I have sent several emails and appealed to reach their customer support but no response from them. They keep saying that they will send my money soon but I need it now! I cant withdraw my money. First Rate crypto is a scam. I have been waiting for over a month but they have not answered any of my requests.

  2. FX Capital Club is a fake trading platform. They are nothing but thieves and frauds who do not pay their customers. I have been in contact with them on this issue for the past 90 days and they have completely ignored me. Do not invest with this company, you will get scammed!

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