Top Data Integrations & OSINT Tools for Cryptocurrency Investigations

Top Data Integrations & OSINT Tools for Cryptocurrency Investigations

Executive Summary 🔗︎ Cryptocurrency has seen enormous growth in the world economy. However, this has paved the way for criminal activity on the blockchain, which is why it is becoming increasingly important to trace and investigate transactions in different cryptocurrencies. The tools to obfuscate criminal cryptocurrency transactions are constantly evolving and luckily, so are the…

Analyzing Disinformation Network Using WhoisXML API and Maltego

Analyzing Disinformation Network Using WhoisXML API and Maltego

Executive Summary 🔗︎ Over the course of the past decade, the internet has dramatically transformed the nature of how information spreads, bringing with it both good and bad consequences. One of the most prominent issues that has multiplied thanks to the internet is disinformation. Disinformation takes place when misleading or biased information is deliberately spread…

Investigating Military Deployments with Maltego and ShadowDragon SocialNet

Investigating Military Deployments with Maltego and ShadowDragon SocialNet

Executive Summary 🔗︎ Analysis of social media by Law Enforcement and Government institutions is nothing new. With a great portion of our lives constantly documented online, it’s hard to deny the usefulness of the information they harbor. Recently, TikTok users posted volumes of videos of the advancements of Russian forces across the Ukrainian border, documenting…

Uncovering Disinformation Against NATO with Maltego, Silobreaker, and Bvd Orbis

Uncovering Disinformation Against NATO with Maltego, Silobreaker, and Bvd Orbis

Executive Summary 🔗︎ In July of 2020, the “Ghostwriter” disinformation campaign targeting countries like Poland, Latvia and Lithuania came to light. A report from the Cybersecurity firm Mandiant pointed to a hacker group aligned with “Russian security interests” looking to discredit NATO in said countries since at least 2017. According to Mandiant, the hacker group…

Automate Investigations with Maltego Machines – Part 2: Our New Cybersec & SOCMINT Machines

Automate Investigations with Maltego Machines – Part 2: Our New Cybersec & SOCMINT Machines

In Part 1, we introduced the handy Maltego automation feature known as Machines, and how to use them to further accelerate your investigations. Today, we are happy to announce the release of a new set of Machines designed for cybersecurity and social media investigations. Maltego Machines: A Blog Series 🔗︎ What are Maltego Machines? As…

Everything to Know About Ransomware: The Anatomy & Investigations of Ransomware Attacks

Everything to Know About Ransomware: The Anatomy & Investigations of Ransomware Attacks

Executive Summary 🔗︎ Ransomware is a type of software that encrypts users’ data, ensuring that they can no longer recover it without payment. It has been around since about 1989 and has become a very lucrative business with a bleeding impact on organizations: Financial cost of pay-out, loss of reputation, agencies’ fines, permanent data loss,…

Jumpstart Your Person of Interest Investigations with People Data Labs and Maltego

Jumpstart Your Person of Interest Investigations with People Data Labs and Maltego

With nearly 2.5 billion unique profiles available for searching, People Data Labs allows investigators to advance their person of interest investigations in seconds and with a single click. Founded in 2015, People Data Labs began as recruiting software intended to help companies better understand and source candidates. Today companies around the world and across industries…

Everything About Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) and Investigations

Everything About Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) and Investigations

Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) is considered to be a sub-discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). SOCMINT can be defined as the techniques, technologies, and tools that allow for the collection and analysis of information from social media platforms. SOCMINT can be harnessed by government or non-state actors, such as private intelligence agencies or marketing companies,…

Maltego Technologies: Mine, Merge, and Map Investigative Data in One Place

Maltego Technologies: Mine, Merge, and Map Investigative Data in One Place

This feature interview is originally published by CIO Review Europe. The role of a digital forensics investigator in today’s cybersecurity landscape is similar to that of a detective going through a trail of evidence to solve a crime. However, to identify and analyse an organization’s fault lines and to prevent cyber threats proactively and efficiently,…

Maltego Handbook for Cyber Threat Intelligence

Maltego Handbook for Cyber Threat Intelligence

About Cyber Threat Intelligence 🔗︎ Attacks getting more sophisticated, and enterprises may be targeted from adversaries with various domains and motivations. Companies can no longer only work on an incident-by-incident basis, but leverage information on previous incidents to react faster to future incidents identification and mitigation. Incident observations and the intelligence gained from those events…

Maltego Support: Committed To Empowering Meaningful And Excellent Investigations

Maltego Support: Committed To Empowering Meaningful And Excellent Investigations

Maltego Support: Committed To Empowering Meaningful And Excellent Investigations 🔗︎ The Maltego Support team cares and commits to support our Enterprise customers as soon as need(s) arise. Currently, our support team works from 8am to 6pm CET (7am to 5pm GMT) from Monday to Friday. Normally, we maintain operations even on public holidays to support…